Two Become One, Silver Necklace

Generally Ships: 3-5 business days

This necklace comes pre-packaged in a stylish magnetic gift box. Also included is a poem card with the poem & verse printed in English on one side and Spanish on the other.

Width: 14 mm or 9/16
Weight: 3.50 gr.
18” Link chain included, Spring Ring clasp
High Polished, Rhodium finish
CZ accent stones
Cultured Pearls
30-day return

Generally ship within 2-3 days

Two Become One
Two lives with two hearts,
We’ll begin a journey of love.
United to become one,
Planned by our Father above.
A union created to cherish
So we will never walk alone.
Building a life of trust together,
The foundation for our home.
For we complete each other,
You for me and Me for you.
As we unite our souls together
One heart shared by two.
©Deborah J. Birdoes
And the Lord God said, It is not good for the
man to be alone. I will make a companion who
will help him…She is part of my own flesh and
bone! She will be called woman because she
was taken out of a man. This explains why a
man leaves his father and mother and is joined
to his wife, and the two are united into one.
–Genesis 2:18, 23, 24